It is increasingly apparent that technology has become a large driver of business strategy. By providing new channels and mechanisms to interact with its customers, clients, partners and suppliers, technology is a key part of an organization’s sustainable competitive advantage. So its imperative for a product owner to not just understand the business landscape but also understand how he or she can use technology components as key artifacts in differentiating their offering.
Functional Responsibilities:
There have been a number of blogs which have focused on requirements that are intuitable, usable, simple and efficient. So I will not cover this aspect here.
Non Functional Responsibilities:
I cannot say enough on making sure your product is safe and secure for your
users and their data and this focus is not only to comply with regulations like HIPAA but to stay out of the front page of the Wall Street Journal. Given the high profile breaches we have seen, it is imperative that your product has a plan for the following:
- Encrypted data stores
- Multi factor user authentication
- Allow only encrypted access to your app or website
- Std DMZ based protection for your applications
- Regular security patch management program, software upgrades and periodic vulnerability assessment including pen tests and adhering to the OWASP Top Ten list.
Business Environment and Model Resiliency:
As a product owner you should keep an eye on the business environment and your competition, so that your business or application is not upended by a competitor introducing a game changing innovation or the market changing to be unfavorable to your product.
When I was working for a mail order pharmacy, we were able to use our functional components to rearrange the value chain and disrupt the pharmacy fulfillment market. Mail order pharmacy is a volume business and we used benefit plan design, formulary design and volume discounts to drive our profitability. The model did not involve engagement with a patient unless doing a coverage review or a generic substitution. We had implemented digitization of the prescription (i.e. separating the cognitive and the fulfillment parts of the process) to be able to route this to the most efficient pharmacist and/or robotic pharmacy to fill. Our competition – retail pharmacies on the other hand were local and a pharmacist at these retail pharmacy would have a one on one relationship with the patient. When we introduced the TRC (Therapeutic Resource Center) model, we were able to use our routing components to our advantage. We created these centers that were focussed on a specific disease condition (oncology, cardio-vascular, diabetic, neuro-psych, specialty etc.) and were able to route our chronic and complex patients’ calls and fills to these centers. The engagement that we got with these patients was a lot better than retail pharmacies, and we were able to drive mail order penetration using our plan designs by proving to our clients that we were able to bend the healthcare cost curves.
So when you are designing your product, keep your design flexible, so you can adapt if the environment or your competitor’s strategy changes.
Ask for your product to be configurable rather than needing code releases every time there needs to be a change. An example is the regulatory framework we designed for our on-boarding platform. Since my investment bank operates in multiple jurisdictions and there are frequent changes in regulations for any single jurisdiction; it was very beneficial for us to use a regulatory program framework with the rules extracted out of the application; These rules are user modifiable with the right approval workflow. This has given us a huge advantage in being nimble with regulatory changes and not have to wait for IT release cycles and change windows.
Modularize and Encourage Plug And Play Components:
When you modularize your system – like lego blocks representing various functions, you have the ability to introduce a champion-challenger competition between these blocks. This allows for increasing product innovation through constant improvements because of competition between the modules.
There are new capabilities being added every day in ML (machine learning) and AI (artificial intelligence). You want to have a flexible architecture so that you can plug these modules in anytime to improve the learning and adaptability of your apps.
Data Processing Variety:
Always design your application to be able to handle a multitude of data streams with different types of variety, velocity and volume characteristics. What I mean by this is your functional modules should be able to handle both structured (db, partner systems etc.) and unstructured data (say social media feeds/blogs). Given the growth in IoT devices, make sure you are able to source data from these devices and crunch them realtime to have a much more agile and realtime responses for your users.
Be cloud ready – i.e. a portable application that is able to shift its compute and storage resources at any time. This is key for scaling up or from a business continuity planning perspective. Say you lose that data center that hosts your application. Are you able to port your application seamlessly to the disaster recovery compute / storage resources?
Platform Agnostic:
Technology obsolescence is a huge risk. Design your systems using std patterns, interfaces and open source components. If one component goes out of its useful life or technical support, it can be replaced by an equivalent functional component that isn’t obsolescent -this is not a question of “if” but “when”.
Your product needs to be able to scale up if there is a sudden rush of customer interest. It is useful to have a capacity on demand model, where you can dial up or down based upon market conditions. A number of cloud hosting providers have an elastic compute model offering that you can leverage. For e,g, this blog site is hosted on an elastic offering with the ability to scale up or down depending upon demand.
SDLC Responsibilities:
Honest Broker for all Stakeholders:
A product owner is usually responsible for prioritizing the requirements from various business units and stakeholders into a single product. He or she must be an honest broker managing the interests and prioritization across these stakeholders in a fair, transparent and honest manner.
Promote Agile Development Practices:
Adopting an agile development methodology allows for iterative delivery where the development team has the benefit of frequent and constructive feedback and able to adapt to a dynamic market with rapidly changing demands.
Define Success and Measure Achievement:
Be able to define the metrics measuring application functionality, scalability and delivery before commencement of the scrum sprint. Should also be able to measure, communicate and put plans in place to address missing any of these goals.